<aside> đź•’ 27/09/2023 updated by R3GEN - 3 minutes to read



If you want to use a custom icon for a quest that isn’t an item, or for a background image, then you need to load your custom texture. Most often, this is achieved with another mod.

Let’s assume this is your image to load, the FTB logo. The name of the file is ftblogo.png.


There are a plethora of options… modpack developers at Feed The Beast use the KubeJS mod very often to load those custom textures.

Your file and folder names should preferably be lowercase, use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) if you need to mark spaces.


Place your texture at kubejs/assets/mymodpackname/textures/ftblogo.png. Replace “mymodpackname” with the name of your modpack, e.g. “ftbacademy”.

Example ⇒ kubejs/assets/ftbacademy/textures/ftblogo.png

Other resource loaders

Paxi, OpenLoader, Global Packs, etc. You will need an additional file to create a resource pack.

This file is a pack.mcmeta file that you can open with Notepad, GEdit, TextEdit, etc. You only need it once for all your textures.

The contents are the following:

  "pack": {
    "pack_format": 9,
    "description": "My Resource Pack"

You need to change the “9” to something else depending on the Minecraft version you are working with. For Minecraft 1.19 this is “9”.

Here is a list for the numbers, under “Resources”, then “Value”: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pack_format