This page is super WIP!

Files can be found in <world directory>/serverconfig/ftbranks

<aside> 💡 1.19.2 and above

Some integration for FTB Chunks has been transferred to FTB Xmod Compat. You will need to install both mods to gain permission nodes:


FTB Ranks SNBT format: (since version 1605.1.3, if you are 1.2 and below, see json format at bottom of page)

	member: {
		name: "Member"
		power: 1
    condition: "always_active"
		ftbranks.name_format: "<{name}>"
		ftbchunks.max_claimed: 40
		ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 10
	vip: {
		name: "VIP"
		power: 50
		ftbranks.name_format: "<&bVIP {name}&r>"
		ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 15
	admin: {
		name: "Admin"
		power: 1000
		condition: "op"
		command.ftbranks: true
		ftbchunks.max_claimed: 100
		ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 50
	alien: {
		name: "Alien"
		power: 100
		condition: {
			type: "not"
			condition: {
				type: "dimension"
				dimension: "minecraft:overworld"
		command: false
		command.say: true
		command.msg: true
	senior: {
		name: "Senior"
		power: 100
		ftbranks.name_format: "<&2Senior {name}&r>"
		condition: {
			type: "playtime"
			time: 3
			time_unit: "weeks"
    ftbchunks.max_claimed: 500

power determines which rank is the strongest, if multiple are applied for the same player and two permissions are conflicting. Example:

	weak_rank: {
		power: 5
		ftbranks.name_format: "<Weak Name {name}>"
  strong_rank: {
		power: 10
		ftbranks.name_format: "<Strong Name {name}>"

If Player only has weak_rank their name will be Weak Name Player. If they only have strong_rank, their name will be Strong Name Player. If they have both ranks, their name will be Strong Name Player, because despite them both overriding the same permission, strong_rank's power is higher than weak_rank's.

condition determines how rank is applied. If none specified it will only be applied if you /ftbranks add <player> <rank>. A simple condition that doesn't require extra arguments can just be string represented, as 'condition_id' but more complex ones require object - {type: 'condition_id', argument: 1234}.

always_active condition means it will always be applied, is used for default ranks and usually lowest priority/power.

op ranks are applied when user is /op (or on single-player when you have cheats enabled).

fake_player ranks are applied if the player is a fake one (like an auto-clicker).

creative_mode ranks are applied for players currently in creative mode.

spawn ranks are applied for players currently in world spawn in overworld.

dimension ranks are applied for players currently in specific dimension. Requires dimension variable, e.g. {type: 'dimension', dimension: 'minecraft:overworld'}.

And lastly, there is playtime condition with time and time_unit properties to auto-promote ranks. Valid time units are tickssecondsminuteshoursdaysweeks. Note: the time for each rank is counted from when player joined server, not relative to previous rank! e.g. {type: 'playtime', time: 20, time_unit: 'days'}.