<aside> 🕒 09/03/2022 by Mikey and R3GEN - 10 minutes to read


FTB Sluice is customizable, and allows certain types of recipes to be added by a modpack creator through the use of a datapack or scripting mods, such as KubeJS or [CraftTweaker](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/crafttweaker#:~:text=CraftTweaker is a Minecraft mod,mods the possibilities become endless.).

KubeJS benefits from built-in integration to make it easier and quicker to add recipes.

The type of recipes that can be customized are:

Recipes by sluicing

Here is an example of what it looks like in the recipe mod:



One ingredient (e.g. Sand, Gravel, Dirt) with an item id (minecraft:sand) or an item tag (forge:sand/colorless, block tags will not work!)


One of following meshes: cloth, iron, gold, diamond, blazing


One fluid (e.g. Water, Lava, Liquid Experience) by id


Many results with a chance percentage

Adding by datapack

You can create a folder inside your datapack, we recommend calling it ftbsluice. Then add another folder inside called recipes (this name cannot be changed). And another folder inside the previous one, called sluice for example, to match sluicing recipes. Create a text file called gravel.json. The path should look like this: data/ftbsluice/recipes/sluice/gravel.json

For this example, we will add a recipe for sluicing gravel into ores. Inside your gravel.json file, you will have this: