Information about chunk claiming Here

Information about ranks Here

The mod isn't working, help!

Make sure Sponge, Spigot, LuckPerms or any other non-Forge mod/plugin/loader isn't installed! FTB Utilities doesn't work well with those. If not, make an issue or ask question on discord in #chat-and-support channel.

How to use ranks/permissions?

Read the Ranks page

You can find the permission list here

Usually you will want to run /ranks setp player <permission node here> <value here>

Does this mod work with Sponge / Spigot / Paper / any other non-Forge plugin system?

Poorly. It's best to not use those when if you use FTBU or not use FTBU if you want to use those mods.

How to allow player to use an OP command?

Set permission to true. If command is from mod, then it will have modid in it. For example, /tp will be but /spawn will be command.ftbutilities.spawn.

Where can I see list of all command nodes?

Command nodes will always be command.modid.commandname. For example, /home command comes from FTB Utilities mod, so it will be command.ftbutilities.home. Vanilla commands don't have a mod ID so they are just or command.stop.

If you have Aurora mod installed, you can view them from http://localhost:48574/ftb-utilities/ranks/commands in browser.