The FTB Debug tool is a very simple debug / troubleshooting application that’ll allow any moderator or staff member to better support your issue. If you’ve been asked to run this tool then you can follow this guide on how to use the tool.
<aside> 👉 The FTB Debug tool does nothing on it’s own par from search for logs. You have to give the Debug code to a member of staff on the Discord. This tool will not magically solve your issues.
How to use the app for:
Windows is the simplest version of the tool to run as it’ll run from simply double clicking it after downloading the tool.
You’ll find the windows version of the FTB Debug tool in the Discord message that brought you here:
Click the Windows
option unless you’re running windows for Arm in which you’ll need the Windows (Arm)
By default Discord will download the file to your downloads folder, locate the file and double click the tool, typically called ftb-debug.exe
A successful response should look like this, see that code at the bottom right after Please provide this code to support
that’s the code you need to give the staff member helping you on Discord.