<aside> 🚨 Warning, we do not recommend using this option. This is a temporarily fix whilst we resolve and issue in the FTB App that is preventing you from being able to play a Modpack.


Before you start

You will need the following

Install the modpack you wish to use

First you will need to install the modpack you wish to play. You can find the modpack on the FTB App. The likely hood is you’re already this far and you’re now having issues playing the pack. If this is the case, move on to the next step. If you can play the pack in the FTB app. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. Turn back now.

Install Forge to the Minecraft Launcher

You will now need to install Minecraft Forge to the Launcher. You can do this by going to Forge’s website and downloading the correct version of forge for the pack you are trying to play. You can find what version of forge you need from the instance.json file.

You can find this by: